In-Kind Donations

AFC has an Amazon Wish List – here you can find items that the Clinic needs, order them through Amazon and have them shipped directly to AFC. It’s an easy way to ensure that the Clinic has the supplies it needs to provide high-quality care to our patients. And don’t forget to use Amazon Smile when making your Wish List or other purchase – designate Arlington Free Clinic as your charity of choice and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to AFC (if you use Smilematic, your browser will automatically direct you to Amazon Smile).

AFC’s storage space is very limited, so please call before bringing any in-kind donations of medical supplies or equipment in to confirm that we have a use for them. Please contact our front desk at 703-979-1400.

Contact AFC’s Development Department
For more information, please contact our Development team at 703-979-1400, dial 4 then 1. Thank you for supporting Arlington Free Clinic!

AFC Donor Bill of Rights

AFC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization | EIN #54-1671883
United Way #8247 | Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) #86926